Sunday 25 May 2008

What's this all about Curtis?

Despite trying to fill him him with food through the day and giving him some hungry baby milk b4 bedtime, little guy still woke us every 2-3 hrs after he went to bed at 7pm. By 3am we tired letting him cry a bit as we couldnt believe he was hungry again, after about 45 mins of this Gareth then went out to the kitchen to try more hungry baby milk and in my tired state I suggested he leave Curtis with me in our bed until he got back to feed him. No sooner did the little guys head touch my pillow he was asleep and he stayed that way right there for about 2.5 hrs, even then when he grizzled it took one gentle pat on his face from me to get him back to sleep for 2 more hours. someone not hungry at all and just wanting some bedtime company!

It was a sunny day in Glasgow and as a belated happy birthday for Gareth we spent the afternoon having some drinks and food with pals Claire and Jamie and even got to sit in the garden.

Saturday 24th May: Clowning around in town

I thought Curtis had spent too much time at home lately and to give him some new things to look at I decided to take him to the Gallery of Modern Art in the city centre. With his current feeding (and subsequent pooping) schedule however it took us until 2.45pm until we were ready to leave the house. En route to the gallery we watched the pan pipers playing and then watched a clown. Curtis enjoyed being lifted out of the pram to watch these and I think he'll be a lot happier when soon he can be in a forward facing pushchair. Again due to his horizontal vantage piint he didnt get to see many of the exhibits at the gallery without my assistence but he did have a pretty cool ceiling to look at.

This morning for breakfast I tired Curtis with soe mashed up banana. I was so looking forward to the quizzical or disgusted look on his face and had to camera ready but found that just like the baby rice he was perfectly happy to wolf it down and only grizzled when feeding time stopped.

Friday 23rd May: Baby rice is oh so nice, injections are not!

Im doing this retrospectively I just cant remember what happened on Friday, but I do remember he liked the rice! Ah, I remember - it was his 2nd set of immunisations. Poor wee guy was stabbed in the legs again but didnt yelp quite so much as last time. He seemed unaffected by it all until about 4 hours afterwards when he began to get very upset and cry a lot, even whilst feeding and that's unusual for him. He then fell asleep for an hour after I gave him some Calpol and so we just took it easy until bedtime.

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