Tuesday 20 April 2010

Some of my favourites things, aged 2 yrs and 3 months

1. Talking, almost non-stop about anything
2. Nursery Rhymes and music - loving Grand old duke of York just now
3. Peppa Pig is still a top favourite for DVDs
4. Milk - I still almost cry with excitment at getting bedtime milk.
5. My best friends Morven and Owen at Nursery. Morven and Curtis hit it off instantly when they met and have been known as Bonnie and Clyde at Nursery ever since. They have very similar sense of fun and humour. Owen is Curtis's other wee best buddy, they can happily spend the days together, chatting, running, playing and laughing. Owen is the happiest wee fella, forever smiling.
6. Hiding, running, deliberately falling over and laughing (usually in that order)
7. Insisting that other people hide, run, deliberately fall over and laugh with me (as any visitor to our house will know)
8. Pretending to be an elf, a pirate, cowboy, bob the builder, characters from Finding Nemo etc. Curtis involes everyone around him in acting out various nursery ryhmes and stories. This week Curtis is Nemo, Steph is Doree and Gareth is Nemo's daddy. We swim, rescue eachother and meet all sorts of other underwater creatures.
9. Reading books and making up my own stories
10. Fruit, fruit and more fruit - mango hedgehogs are this weeks favourite.
11. Going to nursery - if we ask Curtis what he wants to do in the morning he usually says 'nursery to see morven and owen'.....just the way you want it to be.
12. Watching himself on video - see previous video blog!

Things I dont like
1. All shops and shopping centres most of the time
2. Many foods.
3. 'I don't like a nappy change mummy'.
4. Wearing shirts
5. 'Don't like go to bed mummy' 'I'm not sleepy (yawn), I'm not sleepy!!!'