Tuesday 13 May 2008

New games

For the past two days we have tried to introduce Curtis to some new games around the house. We've been putting him in his new BUMBO seat which allows him to strengthen his neck and back muscles in prep for sitting unaided. This is especially good as it prevents his reflux problem causing too much trouble as his body is kept upright and it must be great for him to see the world from a new perspective (instead of staring at the ceiling).

We've also tried to spend more time physically interacting with him again to help strengthen his wee muscles and this involved flying on mummas legs which he seemed...erm...puzzled by...by I'm sure he'll get to like it in time.

He also had a splash about in the big bath with his mum which he seemed to really like.

and we've also been holding his hands and pulling him up to a sitting position. He appears to anticipate this as soon as we start as he tenses his wee shoulders and opens his mouth with his efforts...makes Gareth laugh every time!

He's also been exploring some of his new toys, such as this cool 'skwish' toy which was a gift from Mark, Moira and the girls upstairs.

Both last night and tonight he seemed to be really happy with his new playtime and gets quite excited every time he sees Gareth or I.

This afternoon we also spent 45 minutes with our sing-a-long cd belting out some all time classics such as 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes' and '5 little ducks went swimming one day'. Using one of his toys for the actions or squeezing his 'knees and toes, knees and toes' at the appropriate point was apparently quite hilarious! Looks like G and I will have to start getting to know the lyrics of these songs, which Im sure we'll be singing for the next 4-5 years! Hmmmm....wonder if he'll be happy with Johnny Cash or Elvis instead!

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