Wednesday 7 May 2008

Curtis has his first house party

Today Curtis had his 1st ever house party as he'd invited all his mates from baby massge class over for the afternoon along with their mums. Sadly his buddy Leo was away this week but all his other pals; Milli, Erin, Logan and Isla, made it along. Curtis was in good spirits too after another chilled out sunny morning out walking in the park with his dad and he was happy to share all his toys and baby equipment with his mates. It was lovely to see all the little people together again and lucky for Gareth, rather than just having me to wait on, he now had 5 mums needing refreshments and snacks. Thanks to G force for looking after drinks and soup whilst we mums chatted. In fact we were so busy chatting and eating that we kinda by-passed the whole massage part of the meeting..ach well, another day maybe!

When everyone left we went into the back garden to catch the last part of the sunny day and Curtis even got to feed al fresco for the 1st time. Its been lovely to be able to have him out in the fresh air this week. Chloe and Alisha have also been enjoying the sunshine and have some fantastic new toys for the garden...including a blow up car paddling pool....I know one guy who'd love to have a go in this....yip....Gareth!

After such a busy day Curtis was exhasusted and fell asleep a whole 50 minutes earlier than usual and by the time I came out of the bedroom after putting him in his cot I found that his dad was doing just the same!

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