Monday 23 February 2009

My cup floweth over!

All the books say that a one year old should be taking most of their daily drinks from a cup. Curtis gets through several cups of water each day, but as you can see, it doesn't all reach his mouth!

Steppin' Out...

The weather was quite mild this weekend which gave Curtis the chance to step out onto the street to take his old english sheepdog for a stroll outside our house. He was quite chuffed with himself and won some attention from some elderly ladies who were passing by too. He walked to the end of the street and back several times wearing his firts pair of real shoes and also sporting his cool Ted Baker parka. Nanna, Taid and Molly were here this weekend too, helping us through a backlog of DIY tasks...sadly we kept them so busy we didn't get time to take any photos of their visit - but did manage to get Nanna on one of these videos.

After this weekends intensive walking training out on the street, Curtis took about 6 steps all by himself at teatime tonight. Most children save this landmark event for an eager toddle over towards their beloved parents, but for Curtis it was the lure of seeing his favourite Old MacDonald DVD on the shiney new TV Nanna and Taid had brought over for us!

Monday 16 February 2009


Last night Curtis was a bit unsettled in the night, waking up and chattering, sitting up and then shuffling around the bed. He didnt seem unwell, just one of those nights he didnt seem to be able to switch off as if he was too busy being awake to go to sleep! To try and encourage him to sleep and save him from falling out of the bed I held him close to me which resulting in putting my arm across his body with the back of my flat hand facing him. This clearly reminded him of my traffic light hand signals as he then said in a loud and chrystal clear voice 'STOP' just as I do when we are in the car!! It was so clear it was a bit freaky, both Gareth and I were stunned!

Friday 13 February 2009

What a clever boy...

We've not had much time to keep the blog up-dated with detailed progress for Curtis which is a shame as he progresses so quickly its easy to lose track of all the new things he can do and understand.

He's always been a very sociable boy and a little chatterbox and he continues to jabber away in his own language of dadadada, bababa, boobooobadadee etc as well as 'reading' books out loud to himself, but he also occasionaly comes out with perfectly pronouced words...he woke up in the night last week and twice very clearly said 'MILK' MILK' when we brought him a drink. In the past he has fairly clearly said Cecil (his toy), Georgia (his playmate at Traceys), and according to Nanna Hughes once when watching a nature programme on TV he copied 'sea turtle'. Hehehehe how funny. He's certainly making a lot of attempts at pronouncing various words...I guess we'll spend the next year or so trying to fathom what he's trying to say. Although he knows many signs from his baby signing he has as yet failed ot put any into practice to request food, drink, toys, nappy changes etc so I guess its back to guessing like everyone else!

Red light, green light...go..go..go!
When we stop at traffic lights I always say 'Red light -Stop' and do the hand signal for stop (for Curtis's benefit, not because Im mad). Curtis now does the stop sign when he sees a red light, occasionally says 'red' and points with excitement when we see any traffic lights.

Cow go Mmmmmmmmmmm and dogs go Hmmmph Hmmmph
For a while now Curtis has been trying to make animal sounds for cow and dog. He does this when he sees their pictures in his books and often points and makes a noise when we see a dog in the street (we dont get many cows in Pollokshields!).

Temper, temper
In recent weeks Curtis has begun to show hints of frustration e.g. as the walker gets stuck against the wall, when his toy gets caught under something or if he tries to turn a page in a book when he's sitting on it. Not sure why this coincides with Gareth telling me that Curtis gets more like me everyday!

Heads and Shoulders, knees and toes...
For all of us who have spent months singing nursery rhymes and doing the actions we are all rewarded with a sudden flurry of actions from Curtis. He's been doing a few favourites such as Wind the bobbin up and twinkle twinkle for some months but this week we're all heads, shoulders, knees and toes and he can now identify eyes, noses and mouths when asked. Sometimes he practices this first thing in the morning when he wakes us up...ah bless!

Note to grandparents...Video evidence coming soon!

Oops....did I leave the oven on?

We've all done it...we're out for a pleasant stroll just as we are struck by the thought!

Monday 9 February 2009

These past 2 weeks I have mainly been....

1. Having a great ol' time laughing, rolling about on the floor, playing with my toys and generally being very content and happy.
Here I am talking to the teddies, playing with my new frog bath toy and giving 'Paul McCartney' and big cuddle.

2. Starting to let my personality and sense of humour shine through as I instigate chasing and peek-a-boo games, sometimes using the silliest of objects to hide behind (see below).

3. Enjoying looking inside, under, behind, round and over things as I get to grips with the interesting three dimensions of this world. I like to lie on the floor to look under the sofa (I often hide special toys here), I peek behind the mirrors leant against the wall, I clamber under chairs and tables and look into any holes and secret spaces I can find. I also like stand really close to the TV...but Im not allowed to do this for long..:-(

4. Posting objects in any baskets, boxes and hidey places I find. Mum made me a post box by cutting a flap in the side of an old Pampers box and I managed to hide the phone in here for nearly the whole day before she found it! Yesterday mum was unable to get off to work as I posted her car keys in a toy car as soon as we got to Traceys and it took them both 20 minutes to find them!! hahaha! I can also empty the contents of a cupboard in a flash.

5. Eating grapes and strawberries rather blueberries. Whilst I was obsessed with blueberies for almost 6 weeks...even my bum took on a blue hue as so many berries went through my system! I now find blueberries so very 2008. Blueberries...pah...I spit you on the floor or squash you with my little fingers!

6. Enjoying a whole 2 week stretch of without illness. Yipeee...we're all happy at this rare treat.

7. Teaching myself some new skills, such as mounting the boucing zebra without any help from the olds and strumming daddys guitar instead of pulling at the strings. I've also been trying to send some emails and have worked out how to hit the buttons on the dishwasher. When mum set the dishwasher to run last week, I went over and added another 2 hours to the cycle by pressing the '+' button...hahaha...she wondered why it was still going when we came back from our walk!! I can also stop it mid cycle or turn it off days ahead!

8. Still loving books and music. Since mum and dad bought me my cool bookcase for my birthday I've been selecting my own books and sitting down on my cushions to read them all by myself. I've also found a great way to reach some of the bigger books at the back (see below)

9. Getting on GREAT with my pals Daniel and Georgia. Daniel and I have a ball all day long with Tracey when mum is at work. The minute we see eachother in the morning we start laughing and talking to eachother, we then chase eachother about the floor, sit and chat on the stairs and play peek-a-boo in our little den (underneath Traceys dining table). On a Wednesday Georgia is with us too, she's an older girl, nearly two, but she's cool so we all play together. She can say real words and often calls me by my name (its so cute) and she can do useful stuff like passing me my jacket and hat when mum comes to pick me up.
What else has been happening...?
Like the rest of the UK this week, it's been snowing in Glasgow. I went out to look at it but wasn't to keen...but Alisha, Chloe and mum Moira from upstairs were having a ball...they even made a snowman and named him Curtis...ahhh!
- Me and my mate Alan.
Mum and dads pal Alan Megson came round to visit us last Saturday...I was so excited to see Alan that I refused to go down for my post-lunch nap and stayed up instead showing off as much as I could...I did my cutesy sideways peering, I climbed in the ball pit and threw some balls really hard, I threw some balls at Alan, I toddled around on my walker and played him some tunes on my drum machine. Then before he left I gave Alan a huge cuddle. I like Alan a lot :-)

Me and Mr Spoon...

Curtis has been exploring many onbjects beyond his toy box recently as he opens and empties cupboards, drawers and boxes around the flat, and he has in the past week formed a strong attachment to one of our wooden spoons. Mr Spoon, as you may have noticed from some recent video clips is often held tightly in Curtis's hand. Mr Spoon is held during nappy changes, lunch and bath time, he has even shared our bed for the past 3 nights as Curtis was not to be persuaded to give him up at bedtime!

'We're off to Button Moon, we'll follow Mr. Spoon, Button Moon, Button Moon.'

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Moving around...

Since he began crawling its been a much funnier house to live in as we see and hear Curtis exploring his world on all fours, or two feet assisted by his he is moving about this week.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

DJ Hughes

Its been a long time coming but Curtis starts to really enjoy a bit of time on his own; he happily plays in the front room in his ball pit, goes off into his bedroom to read books, and most nights before bed insists on going into his den (a.k.a. his cot) to brush up on his DJing skills. Here he tries a bit of mixing and some new dance moves. We're thinking of getting him a DJ spot down at The Soundhaus in Glasgow some night soon.

Sunday 1 February 2009