Tuesday 6 May 2008

A busy day for everyone today, all made alot easier tho by the scorching hot weather for the second day running. The day started with a visit to Anne next door. Anne had very kindly arranged for her friend Janet who is a child minder to meet us and give us some advise on finding the right childminder and to give some recommendations. She unfortunately has no spaces herself at the moment as she has just started lookin after little Austin who is 2 months old and was with her today. Curtis seemed fascinated by the little man that was making more noise than he was. Although Austin was about the same size as Curtis even tho he's over a month younger. Curtis was really chilled out the whole time and didnt make a noise just starred at everyone.
With the first really bright sunshine, we opened up all the doors and windows only to discover just how dusty and dirty the house really was with the bright light shining in. So the rest of the day was a whirlwind mission of tidying and cleaning.
Curtis seemed quite happy to sit in his little chair and watch the madness unfold around him.
With lunch time approaching and little man having had no sleep since 7 am, dad was sent out with the pram to walk him to sleep while Steph continued her Tazmanian Devil impression inside. Safest place for both of us really was out of the house at this stage. And an extra bonus, Curtis got to sleep in the Sun and I got some fresh air and sun on my pale skin for the first time in ages.
When we got home Curtis sat with in the front Garden watching me fill 12 more rubble sacks full of soil from the front garden. He seemed to find this hilarious for some reason. he also discovered that he likes people watching as he sat in his chair on the front door step for an hour watching the world go by.
Also today we got a visit from the builder who is hopefully going to destroy then rebuild are kitchen. With the rest of the Flat now looking spotless we cant wait to finally get the kitchen done.

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