Thursday 22 May 2008


Curtis would like to make public notice of his new campaign against sleeves....S.C.R.E.A.M (Scottish Childrens Resistance to the Envelopment of Arms in Material).

Just SCREAM to join his campaign against the sleeve! He does every morning and every night! Short sleeved or long, this wee boy just hates them and sure lets us and everyone on the street know about it.

After the first scream session of the morning when it took both G and I to wash and dress the wee man things settled down and we set off to Maxwell Park with our SWAG bag. The gardeners have been digging up all the lovely spring tulips and hearing they were going to be dumped we thought we'd do our bit for recycling and brought a big bag of them home.

Later we just stayed in the house giving Curtis time to practise sitting up and being on his front. Just with 2-3 days practise he now sits fairly well with me just holding onto the edge of his sleeve or with him resting on my leg. When he is sitting on my lap he does it pretty much by himself. What a guy! We also did some singing and watched Deal or No deal....after another restless night last night I wasn't fit for much more.

Nightime feeds last night were something like...8.30-9pm, 11.30-midnight, 3-3.30am, 5-5.30am, 7am and then 8.30am then exactly 2 hourly through the day. Its like having a 6 week old baby all over again and has been really tiring. He also wolfed down a helping of baby rice at 6pm. I think he would have eaten steak and chips if it were offered. We'll see what tonight holds!

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