Sunday 22 November 2009

Our little Gymnast

We've found a lovely secondary schol here in Dunfermline which runs toddler classes on Saturday mornings, so Curtis has now been to 2 gymnastics classes. We did try singing classes but both Curtis and I have had enough of these and are keen to move on to more active classes. He loves the gym class where he gets to run about on benches, slides, trampolines, crawl through hoops, balance beanbags on his head, clatter sticks on the floor, dance with ribbons and make new friends. At the first class he kept looking at me as if to say 'am I actually allowed to be doing this' cos it was so exciting for him he thought it must be forbidden! We've also been doing some baby yoga on a DVD at home and he loves this too. He's at the age where he can copy what other kids are doign and enjoys following instructions so he happily copies wit me and all the moves on the DVD. As we get to pretend to be various anaimals at the same time, its heaps of fun.

Captain Curtis

It's a sad reflection of how busy our new life in Fife is that we don't get time to blog anymore. Its been great using this site to catalogue the development and adventures of Captain Curtis however, so I will try my best to update a little more often. Since last writing we have had visits from Stephs mum, Stephs dad and both Nanna and Taid. Curtis is so happy to have visitors at home and had a great time playing with his grandparents. Everyone had to take part in running circuits around the house, going down the slide, through the tunnel, dancing with him to his favourite tunes, playing hide n seek in the wardrobes and being taken about the house 'hand, look, come, see' to see whatever he wanted to show them.

Curtis is completely settled here and at nursery now and seems to be speeding along with his development. He's a little gymnast at home, quite a comedian and a fully fledged chatterbox now. He speaks fairly clearly so we havent had to much trouble understanding him tho have puzzled for days at a time trying to unravvle some words. He still makes us and others laugh by exclaiming 'MAN' quite loudly when he sees a man on the street. Our cleaner, Martin is also 'man' to curtis. 'Man come see'. 'man, slide', 'man, run' 'man, sit'.