Wednesday 30 April 2008

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Attack of the Orange donkey!

Today I was attacked by an orange donkey who leaped on top of me...luckily I now have far greater use and strength in my little legs and after a brief struggle I managed to kick myself free of the brute.

Monday 28 April 2008

Every little boy needs a fairy grandmother

Today we spent most of the day at home hiding from the torrential rains...but later ventured out to visit Curtis's fairy grandmother...Pat (Uncle Jamie's mum). Pat was unwell in January when Curtis was born and hadn't yet seen him so it was a very special day. Now, we'd heard that Pat was good with babies but we were quite taken aback at just how tuned in and skilled she is at entertaining little people. She is like an all round baby entertainmemnt centre and had Curtis (who had up until that point had quite a grouchy day) in fits of giggles the whole time. We learnt some new holding positions including a great way to make our arms into a swing for Curtis which he loved. We are currently trying to draw up a contract good enough to persuade Pat to move in with us and be our live in Nanny and childminder!!

27th April 2008: Sunny day with Nanna and Taid
Sunday was a wonderful sunny day and we made the most of this by spending some time in the garden with our lovely neighbours George, Anne, Mark, Moira, Chloe, Alisha, Kenny and Claire. It was hot enough to catch some colour so as we hadn't yet bought sunscreen for Curtis (it's not something you put at the top of your shopping list in Glasgow) we used his hat to shield him from the rays!

26th April 2008: Nanna and Taid arrive from Belfast

Today Curtis got a lovely surprise as his Nanna and Taid arrived to stay for the weekend. More presents arrived from friends in Ireland and more presnts from Nanna and Taid .... as Nanna just can't walk past a childrens toy shop these days without finding something she just has to buy for the little guy. Luckily Nanna and Taid have great taste and picked a fantastic toy apple with grabbable bug eyed maggots and a leaf which lets out a big girly giggle when squeezed..Curtis was mesmerised. Curtis also got some lovely Kaloo wrist rattles to add to his percussion instruments. Sadly, we were too busy playing with the toys to take any photos of Curtis with his granparents....oops!

Friday 25 April 2008

These past two weeks I've mainly been....

...sucking my fists and trying to eat my own fingers!

A few weeks ago, along with his fascination for staring at his fists, Curtis also began trying to eat them. Then in the past week or so he has begun to explore his fingers and now twiddles them in front of his face in amazement as he watches them move, but then he puts them in his mouth and nearly chokes himself. We have had to turn to offering him a dummy to prevent him from making a habit of this. Luckily this has also helped him to get to sleep during the day....2 mins with a dummy when he is tired actually resulted in the miraculous event yesterday that for the 1st time ever...he fell asleep in his bouncer...just like many babies do much of the time. Hooray! Daytime sleeping problems and infant bulimia solved in one.

Thursday 24 April 2008

A boy of many names and many faces

Apparently at around 4-5 months a baby begins to recognise their own name. We wondered though whether this would apply to Curtis as we realised that he is rarely called by his real name at home. He tends to be called .... little man, big chief dirty bum, Little Mr, wee chap, wee man, Milky Joe, flaky Joe, Poopy Joe, monkey man, Joseph, Digby, blossum, peanut, the best one. After a quick photo shoot today tho it looks as if he has as many faces to go with his names.

Wednesday 23 April 2008

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Sunny fun in the back Garden

A sunny dad for dads day off, hurrah. It was even quite warm although you wouldn't know it by what we've dressed him in. At least he wont get cold, even if we happened to pop round to visit the North pole in the afternoon.

monday 21st, april
Smart but a little confused
The pictures below show how well curtis is developing. His reading is even coming along. However because he's so young he doesnt always fully understand what he is reading. So when he read "baby sweetcorn" on the side of the packet its understandable that he thought it was for him. Very confusing.

saturday 19th & sunday 20th, april
Roukenglen and Window Boxes

Saturday saw the first step in finally completeing the last room in the house that hasnt been decorated yet. It wasnt scheduled but as Ikea sprang a suprise 21% off sale today the bulk of the kitchen had to be purchased. The thought of setting foot in Ikea at the best of times is hurendous but when they've got a sale on is even worse. But with that amount of discount it had to be worth fighting through the hordes of people buying trolley loads of uleless tat that they will never use just because its cheap.

Suprising I arrive at the kitchen department at exactly the right time as there were only a few people in the queue and I only had to wait 45 mins. By the time I was at the front of the queue there were probably 20 people behind me, who would probably be waiting hours. So with all the units now bought its a case of waiting for the planning permission to knock down the wall and away we go.

With the kitchen taken care of for now the other thing to look at was the front garden and with the sun shining another oppurtinity to try out my new found crowd beating skills and head with the rest of glasgow to the local garden centre. This time it was a family outing and steph and little man came along too. We manage to wrestling the remaining few window boxes from some frail looking pensioners, grabbed some plantage of the appropriate colours and headed back home to produce some window garden type arrangements.

friday 18th, april
Curtis Finally discovers he has 2 Hands with help from his new friends

thursday 17th, april