Thursday 29 May 2008

Curtis goes to work!

...and about time too, the little blighter has been sponging off of us for a whole 4 months now. So, yeah, the wee guy had a day at the office the main spent flirting with the ladies with his smiles and giggles. As well as spending time with my colleagues in the office, Curtis also had a trip to the uni canteen. He was transfixed by the place and loved looking around the room at everyone. He then offered us all a serenade of grumbles and tears as my cauliflower cheese lunch coincided rudely with his usual nap time! It was a good test to see whether he'd just doze off in the pram in a noisey room (rather like future nursery days will be) but didnt work that way! As usual when busy I forgot to take any pics of the people we went to visit..but did get one of Curtis standing on Lynne. He has taken quite a shine to Lynne and has invited her over with her wee girl Molly next week. We are very much looking forward to that.

Once home we just chilled out sitting in the back garden and playing in the house. Curtis was on very good form and quite vocal. He had a battle with his toy donkey and growled and snarled at it which was very amusing! he then repeated this when playing with me later...biting my fingers and shaking his head and making growling noises like a dog does with a toy! Is it a full moon tonight?? What is he up to?? I take it this is normal behaviour for a 4 month old, yes??

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