Monday 28 April 2008

Every little boy needs a fairy grandmother

Today we spent most of the day at home hiding from the torrential rains...but later ventured out to visit Curtis's fairy grandmother...Pat (Uncle Jamie's mum). Pat was unwell in January when Curtis was born and hadn't yet seen him so it was a very special day. Now, we'd heard that Pat was good with babies but we were quite taken aback at just how tuned in and skilled she is at entertaining little people. She is like an all round baby entertainmemnt centre and had Curtis (who had up until that point had quite a grouchy day) in fits of giggles the whole time. We learnt some new holding positions including a great way to make our arms into a swing for Curtis which he loved. We are currently trying to draw up a contract good enough to persuade Pat to move in with us and be our live in Nanny and childminder!!

27th April 2008: Sunny day with Nanna and Taid
Sunday was a wonderful sunny day and we made the most of this by spending some time in the garden with our lovely neighbours George, Anne, Mark, Moira, Chloe, Alisha, Kenny and Claire. It was hot enough to catch some colour so as we hadn't yet bought sunscreen for Curtis (it's not something you put at the top of your shopping list in Glasgow) we used his hat to shield him from the rays!

26th April 2008: Nanna and Taid arrive from Belfast

Today Curtis got a lovely surprise as his Nanna and Taid arrived to stay for the weekend. More presents arrived from friends in Ireland and more presnts from Nanna and Taid .... as Nanna just can't walk past a childrens toy shop these days without finding something she just has to buy for the little guy. Luckily Nanna and Taid have great taste and picked a fantastic toy apple with grabbable bug eyed maggots and a leaf which lets out a big girly giggle when squeezed..Curtis was mesmerised. Curtis also got some lovely Kaloo wrist rattles to add to his percussion instruments. Sadly, we were too busy playing with the toys to take any photos of Curtis with his granparents....oops!

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