Thursday 10 April 2008

14.5lb of giggles

Curtis reached his 12th week yesterday and today weighs in at 14.5 lbs. Health Visitor Caroline popped in to see us this morning & gave us the all clear for post natal depression and with wee man doing well says we dont need to see her now until his next immunisations are due. Curtis was on good form and very smiley and even persuaded a reluctant Caroline to pose for a photo for his blog. Then after a lunchtime snooze which involved me laying next to him to hold his ever jiggling arms down to make him go to sleep, we packed up our bags and jumped in the car for a long overdue trip to see my friends at work. Curtis was so well behaved and all smiles, everyone must have thought I'd been making it up that we ever have any difficult days. It was really lovely to see everyone and luckily Lynne was in (who I usually share an office with) and we were able to share our excitement and stories of new parenthood...Lynnes daughter Molly being just one year old.

Today saw the launch of 3-4 different giggles for the wee man, all enthusiastically tested for my entertainment during the day ... he even paused a few times during breastfeeding to laugh or squeal ... it's like he was on laughing gas much of the day. All the way home from our trip to work I could hear him giggling away in his car seat, and back at home I challenged him to a giggling contest (hear recording below! that is once I've worked out how to load it!!)

Oh, a visit to work meant yet another lift and another funny face from Curtis!

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