Friday 25 April 2008

These past two weeks I've mainly been....

...sucking my fists and trying to eat my own fingers!

A few weeks ago, along with his fascination for staring at his fists, Curtis also began trying to eat them. Then in the past week or so he has begun to explore his fingers and now twiddles them in front of his face in amazement as he watches them move, but then he puts them in his mouth and nearly chokes himself. We have had to turn to offering him a dummy to prevent him from making a habit of this. Luckily this has also helped him to get to sleep during the day....2 mins with a dummy when he is tired actually resulted in the miraculous event yesterday that for the 1st time ever...he fell asleep in his bouncer...just like many babies do much of the time. Hooray! Daytime sleeping problems and infant bulimia solved in one.

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