Monday 7 April 2008

'Oh where did you get that hat...'

Not much to report today as Steph & Curtis spent the day at home. Part of the morning was spent giving the little man a good wash, clipping fingernails etc and trying to remove the last flakes of cradle cap from his head. He has looked like he has had crunchy nut cornflakes stuck to his scalp and ears the past 3 weeks but some cream prescribed by our health visitor Caroline seems finally to be shifting it, that and a little help from placing a warm flannel on his head (see below) before brushing whats left of his hair. Steph then rang some more nurseries and arranged to visit them later in the week before taking Curtis out in the pram for 7 circuits round our local park to ensure he got some sleep.

We knew that maternity leave was going to fly by but it feels like it's nearly over before its begun and it seems so sad to think that soon we may only be able to report on the blog 'dropped Curtis at nursery at 9am, went to work, picked him up at 5pm, fed him and put him to bed by 6.30pm'. Boo hoo. Our plan is to each look after him 2 days a week with Steph working when Gareth is not, so this way we only need 3 days nursery each week...which really I'm sure will be very good for him giving him the chance to interact with other little people and explore new surroundings.

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