Saturday 9 February 2008

With a little help from our friends.

Yesterday was quite a difficult day and as we were both very tired and had nothing good to say we decided not to say anything.

However today was made much easier with help from our great friends. Through great understanding of the inability to do much for yourself when trying to breatfeed and then settle a newborn baby Sonia and Alan arrived to Stephs rescue today with 4 helping hands and a bowl full of food. Sonia has loads of nephews and nieces and seems to know exactly what is needed to survive the day. Little things like picking everything up off the floor were you cant reach them.

Also Uncle Jamie arrive with a mountain of fresh fruit and a yummy sandwich from the posh sandwich shop at the end of the road. Hooray!!!!

Also today Curtis Graduated from the washing up bowl to the large baby bath. In the bath is the only time tthat I ve never seen Curtis cry.
Finally in the evening Ryan came round with yet another bag full of goodies. This time a new harness for carrying curtis, a bag full of clothes too small for Sophia and a present from his mum.

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