Wednesday 20 February 2008

5 Weeks Old Today....... and 11lbs

Curtis weighed in at 11lb this morning when the health visitor called. He has again been the smiley cheerful guy from yesterday, although we had to spend much of the morning indoors so that I could clean the kitchen. I planned to keep on with tidying but felt bored of being indoors so got Curtis ready for a walk. The little jacket he'd been wearing was looking a bit tight so out came his super cool grey duffle which nanna Valerie had bought for him. Check out the cute is he???

We then wandered round to Queens Park which is just near to my flat so luckily we were able to pop in to see auntie Lisa en route who was only too happy to join us for a stroll. Just as well as it took two of us to push the pram up some of the steeper slopes in the park. I didn't take any photos as Lisa and I were as usual too busy chatting but hopefully I'll find some online of the park.

Lisa then came back for dinner before going out for the evening and Curtis greeted his dad's arrival back from work with screams and tears. The difficult breastfeeding problem still remains for us and although we managed to overcome it at most feeds, his tea time feed resulted in much choking, coughing and subsequent trapped wind...which just wouldn't budge. The poor guy was so upset and must have been in soem pain as even the zebra couldnt console him....a quickly run bath however resolved the problem temporarily and and distracted him completely....and he really delighted in splashing about. Curtis then stayed awake as usual till about 9pm. He was put in his mosese basket half asleep and steph decided to get an early night too ...but was put off by the wee man who decided to lay there staring at the chandelier and making noises till 10pm...I never realised babies were such noisey sleepers at times! He does this through the night too...see video clip below (Gareth will add this later!).

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