Sunday 24 February 2008

The little boy who never sleeps (well, not in the daytime anyway!)

Boy oh boy.....I thought babies slept a lot, that's what the books all said...they sleep, I was told for about 17hrs each day. So, let's see...Curtis slept from 9.30pm last night until 1.30am when he woke for a feed (thats 4 hrs sleep), then he woke again at 5am (another 4 hrs sleep), then awoke at 7am for a feed (2 hrs) then stayed awake until 9.30am and slept till 10.15am (45 mins). Theoretically from this point on if we had a textbook baby we should expect him to nap for a further 5 hrs during the day and evening until 9.30pm tonight. Nope, not this wee fella. From 10.15am this morning until 9.30pm tonight he has slept for about 1.5hrs and that was split into 3 short restless naps, all punctuated by short burst of tears in his sleep. He does have sleepy days as some of you have witnessed but these wide awake days are very common.
Sadly today he was increasingly unsettled and unhappy as the day went on, crying in his sleep and never wanted to be left alone. I tried to leave the house to go and visit Claire but there was just no settling the wee guy in the pram long enough to get my coat on. Again, unlike the textbook babies he hates his bouncy chair and his playmat so neither of these can be used to entertain him...instead on days like this he wishes to be held all day and starts a very sad cry if he is put down somewhere to sleep. We really must get to grips with the instructions for his papoose. If he does sleep he looks to me to have nightmares...and often wakes up in tears with bottom lip quivering and quite unhappy. It's all quite tiring to deal with of course but the good news's only the parents that remember these days...when Curtis is older he'll have no recollection of this...although he will now of course be able to read about it on his blog!

Very few photo opportunities today ... but I did get a couple of cute pics this morning during 'tummy time', and I took a short video of Curtis finding a new use for his socks. [sorry - it won't upload, will try again in the morning]

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