Tuesday 25 March 2008

The Grouch

Today we stayed around the flat tidying up and trying to plan out our new kitchen so there's not much to report. Despite having had a very rested day yesterday Curtis had a real ol' grouch on today and just couldn't sleep for more then 15-20 minutes. Sometimes he just gets on with the day anyway, but today his need for sleep but lack of sleep skills really peed him off and he cried and grumbled a fair bit. Good tho' that in between times he's all smiles and gurgles as usual which is just great. He is however still very camera shy and freezes every time I try to capture his latest noises and chatterings on camera.

Spurred on by the purchase of new jeans yesterday I (Steph) started the day with sit ups and exercises as Curtis sat watching with some amusement in his bouncer, and then made the most of Curtis's fantastically reliable nightime sleeping to set of for a jog at 7pm tonight. Listening to Elvis Presley the whole way really brightened my mood; I started thinking how fortunate it was that we didn't call our son Elvis after all...but still glad that we snuck the Kings middle name in there! Although only out of the house for 25 minutes I had to go straight in to stare at Curtis on my return. He was lying there in his cot all snug, looking like a little angel zipped into his white Dreampod with his arms, as usual, stretched out at 90 degrees. Ahhhh... :-)

24th March 2008: Easter Monday

Gareth has been off for the past two days so we made the most of this by going off to The Fort to go shopping yesterday. Curtis must have known how much his mumma needed a stroll around the shops and to buy some new clothes as he decided to sleep the whole 3 hours!! Steph even got to go into the chnaging rooms in peace. A result both for Steph and for Curtis, as it was great to know he'd had a good daytime sleep for a change. Curtis got some treats to as we spent some of the cash collected by Stephs work colleaugues on some cool swimming aids for the wee fella....a wetsuit to keep him warm in the pool (and matching socks, just couldn't resist!), some arm bands, a pool changing mat and some swim nappies. We had planned to take him swimming on Tuesday but he still has a snotty nose so we thought we'd best wait till he's fully recovered.

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