Sunday 16 March 2008

Saturday 15th Coughs and Cuddles,Sneezes and Sleeping

As Curtis has a little bit of a cold and was a bit sick the night before and as every time he lay down he found it dificult to breath, Steph and Grandad tried to keep him upright all day. So lots of sleepy cuddles using grandads beard as a pillow.

The daily outing to Maxwell Park was postponed due to illness so today entertainment came from Grandad playing Simon and Garfunkel on the guitar.

A short trip to the local shops ended at the front gates where Curtis discovered the usually simple task of breathing became that much more difficult into a strong head wind. Attempts to breath by sticking his tongue out and shuting his lips tightly, only achieved a strange bubbling / Foaming at the mouth. So Grandad was sent to the shops by himself.

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