Friday 28 March 2008

Lunch with Auntie Siobhan

We had a great day today, which started at 5.30am when Curtis awoke hungry but smiling and didnt have to spend the next hour straining and crying to fill his nappy as he does most mornings at this time...which meant an extra hours sleep for all 3 of us...hooray! Auntie Siobhan had invited us over for lunch today and all went pretty well. Both Sioban and I managed ot eat at the same time while Curtis watched from my knee. We also snuck in a quick walk to the park when we saw he'd fallen asleep and on the way bumped into Moira and her two girls Alisha and Chloe from upstairs. The girls always like to say hello to Curtis and peered in the pram to shake his hand and stroke his face. Then before bedtime I had time to introduce Curtis to the wonders of television...well, hey it's going to happen someday and I had heard it was a great way to send them to sleep. He got himself snuggled up in a duvet on the floor and watched one of his Baby Einstein DVDs for a couple of minutes. I was quite bored by the DVD so turned round to talk to Curtis who always love to chatter and giggle, but not this time. He ducked his head away from my gaze within 2 seconds to look back over at the TV. Hmmmm.....

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