Monday 23 February 2009

Steppin' Out...

The weather was quite mild this weekend which gave Curtis the chance to step out onto the street to take his old english sheepdog for a stroll outside our house. He was quite chuffed with himself and won some attention from some elderly ladies who were passing by too. He walked to the end of the street and back several times wearing his firts pair of real shoes and also sporting his cool Ted Baker parka. Nanna, Taid and Molly were here this weekend too, helping us through a backlog of DIY tasks...sadly we kept them so busy we didn't get time to take any photos of their visit - but did manage to get Nanna on one of these videos.

After this weekends intensive walking training out on the street, Curtis took about 6 steps all by himself at teatime tonight. Most children save this landmark event for an eager toddle over towards their beloved parents, but for Curtis it was the lure of seeing his favourite Old MacDonald DVD on the shiney new TV Nanna and Taid had brought over for us!

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