Sunday 11 July 2010

July News

Here's our funny boy drenching himself in the garden and having a great ol' time.

It's been a while since we've up-dated so I thought I should let you know how Curtis is doing. As ever, we are constantly amazed at how fast Curtis's language changes and watching and hearing the little differences in his speech. Recently he's been playing around with yesterday, today and tomorrow words in which pretty much anything that has happened recently occured 'last night'. Sometimes just randomly he'll annouce that he is going to do something on Saturday!

He still enjoys playing around with language just for fun. Yesterday morning he said to me 'Good Mornick Mummick', then calling himself Curtick all morning. He will also do a whole nursery rhyme like this such as 'twincick, twincick, little stick, how I wonder what you ick, up above the world so hick, like a diamond in the sick'. Lovely!!

Curtis is still very settled at nursery and life is still so much more settled for him as a walking talking boy than it ever was as an immobile baby. Its an amazing time to have this little person growing up before your eyes. Despite the busyness of our new working lives we are very much happier at the 2.5 year old stage. Curtis is still best buddies with Morven and owen at nursery and has many great frriendships with the staff at kids at nursery. Today Curtis identified his very first letters from the alphabet...he pointed to and announced C for Curtis and M for Morven! Ahhh, sweet :-)

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