Tuesday 16 February 2010

The Best Me!

Curtis is now at that interesting age when he starts to show a more developed understanding of his world and emotions etc and can communicate in more complex ways. I was quite taken aback the other day when after I commented about Gareth 'oh he's a nice daddy isnt he?' Curtis offered enthusiastic agreement saying 'the best daddy!', he then looked at me and shouted 'the best mummy' before pointing to himself and saying 'the best me!'.

Curtis is very much into talking, singing and telling or listening to stories. He finshes the end of many lines we read him from story books and begins to recite longer and longer sections of nursery rhymes. Current favoutites are Humpty Dumpty and Hey Diddle Diddle. Everything in the house is used to act out stories too....clothes hangers rubbed together are 'fiddles', anything that can be jumped over is 'cow jumping over the mooooooooon', the back of the sofa is humpty dumpties wall on which we all have to sit and then fall dramatically onto the floor. He also likes to assign us all as characters from his favourite TV programme Peppa Pig for which he sometimes provides costume too....mummy pig (usually me) must wear a bedsheet on her back...ive no idea why! A pile of coat hangers becomes the little pigs 'house of sticks' and a big empty cardboard box is the 'house of bricks'.

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