Sunday 16 November 2008

November catch up...

And for my final trick!
Last week we went to visit Jamie, Dan and Millie dog woof-woof. Having taught his dog to perform many impressive tricks in the past year it was time for Jamie to now be won over by Curtis's own repetoire of clapping, excited waving, fast crawling, giggling and squealing and for his piece des resistance....pulling himself to standing whilst hanging onto Jamies trousers and leaving Jamie standing in just his pants and top! hahaha...sorry to say it wasn't fair to publish the last photo in this sequence, but neeedless to say Jamie will be investing in a tighter belt for our next visit.

'Hello Teddies'
Just after Curtis has his morning wash and he is dressed he insists on going around his room saying hello and waving to all his toys. Here he is making his stop off to greet the teddies. He even now says something resembling 'teddies' when he sees them.

Happy Days :-)
Curtis clearly has happy days when he goes to his childminder. He not only adores Tracey herself but has become very attached to the whole family. Here he is with Tracey, Katherine and Reece.

Ol blue eyes

Wicked smile

Is that some reddish hair I spy Curtis??
Well, he is the first Scot in the family. It would be very fitting.

New scarf, hat and coat.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Who's the fairest of them all?
Curtis catching up with news in America this month

Just me looking cute as usual..

Give me that darn camera!

Just eating a few blueberries again.

I love my new car seat and slept for over an hour and a half in it the other day. Its just a shame we had only just pulled up outside the flat and mum had to sit in the car with me to save disturbing me if she moved me out!

Last Monday Curtis went along to the library meet his buddies Isla, Alex and Will at Bounce and Rhyme. He spent much of his time crawling around and making friends with just a very rare glance back to see that his mum was still there.
Here are Curtis and Isla doing a bit of reading...

Where has he gone to now?

Next, we had some fun at the soft play area up at the park... here's my buddy Alex.

Oh, look at Isla, she's escaped again. Damn I wish I could do that..

...maybe if I'm quick I can catch her.

Ah well, some mate she is, she's off playing Connect Four and I can't get over the edge to join her...
I'll just have to make some new mates in here...
Ah great, who's this wee chap? He looks like fun. We dont know what we are saying to eachother but its making us laugh anyhow.

Well, that's lunch and playtime over, time to get wrapped up and go for a big walk around the park...

Come on doll face get your bonnet on, we're offski.

Determined to keep up with Isla next week, Curtis gets some crawling practice in at home...

Here he comes!!!

...and 0.3 seconds he is. He's getting quite fast now.

Curtis and I went to visit our pals Bev and Kenny in thier lovely new house in Glasgow 2 weeks ago. As they had just moved in, some boxes with their childrens old toys were at hand so Curtis got to play with a cool old skool toy telephone and some trains. He also entertained us with some enthusiastic shaking of his trusty shaker 'the courgette', and made several circuits of the kitchen floor crawling around with the cat and dog, both of whom are like their owners - very chilled out and friendly. Louie was just a big softy really as you can see. 'Mum, can we get a dog?'

Hat's Off!
Gone are the days of getting Curtis to happily wear his flat cap. Now on his 3rd cap: he's changed from green and white stripes to grey fleck and now a good old country style...but can we keep it in his!

Curtis has become very animated when he is 'talking' and as you can see below, he manages to throw quite some shapes whilst having a wee chatter to himself at breakfast time!

And another round of applause!
Curtis has been very generous with his hand clapping since he started doing this some weeks ago. Both Gareth and I get a smile, a wave and then a round of applause when Curtis first sees us when he wakes up in the sweet is that? He greets most people with a wave and a clap and claps his hands when he likes his food or finds something funny. Its great that he can express himself in some small ways like this.

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