Thursday 12 June 2008

Hugs and good luck to Lynne

Today Curtis and I went into work to see my pal Lynne as it was her last day before moving onto a new job. Lynne wasn't expecting her little guest at the staff farewell do so it was a nice surprise for her and a great event for Curtis to hone his flirting skills and do some cute stuff for an admiring audience. Curtis had his eyes firmly set on Pam and also shared cuddles with Lynne, Gillian and Karen. I wish we had more oppurtunity to do this kind of thing as I worry that he'll struggle at nursery after having spent so much time with just I'm now looking for all oppurtunities to help Curtis socialise so he's better prepared for September.

11th June: Massage mums meet at Burrel Collection

Today the Wednesday meet up was at the Pollok country park Burrel collection...a great venue for mums and dads with their little ones as the cafes has great big tables, lots of other parents, a positive breastfeeding policy, changing facilities and of course the park and other attractions. All the babies were doing well...Milly showed off her new toothy grin, though Isla won the contest here with 4 teeth against Millys 2, Leo who is the well on the way with his weaning wanted to share with everyone the fish dinner he'd had for lunch and so deposited some of it on his mum Emmas lovely dress, Zoe and Erin were cute as usual and Curtis enjoyed catching up with them all. Rather than go straight home Curtis and I took a look around the museum b4 it closed. He was in his baby carrier facing out so I couldnt see how he was doing but judging from the smiles and comments from people walking towards us he was having a great ol' time. He begins to grab at things he walks past quite often now which isnt usually a problem..but trying to bring John the security guy home was a bit too much...he had to be forcibly removed from Curtis' grip..but didn't seem to mind!
Another day when I was too busy chatting to take photos...really must remember next Wednesday!
Catching up with news in June

As you'll see we've been pretty slack with the blog lately...mainly as we've been busy getting our garden done having sacked the gardeners who wanted to charge £180/day to lay turf and do some paving! We've managed now to do it all ourselves with early morning and late night gardening sessions when Curtis has been in this time what's been happening with the little guy?

-He spent a good few days being obsessed with raspberry blowing...including during breastfeeding and once or twice when half asleep in bed which was very funny! Its been hilarious to watch his efforts, especially the ones which seem to take lots of effort but get nowhere beyond a funny facial expression.

-He is so much more aware of his surroundings. Walking into a room with him he immediately turns towards familiar things e.g. the stereo in the bedroom, which he 'talks' to. He is also now starting to grab and reach out for things which even at this stage makes me realise I need to be vigilant...he already surprised me when I looked down to see that although seemingly safe in my arms he was eating the dishcloth from the sink! He must have swiped it when we walked by! yum!

-He is still practising his sitting and standing skills with standing his favourite by far...he looks really happy with himself when he gets some help to stand up like a big guy.

-He is still really chuffed to see himself in the mirror and we still spend a fair bit of time dancing in front of the mirror together, so combing two of his favourite things.

-He is turning into the cuddliest baby in town. He often stands on my legs with his arms really tight around my neck nuzzling into my neck and stays there for ages. Its really lovely that he is like this and is always cheered up by a torrent of big loud kisses on his cheeks. Sure he'll hate it when he's older so I'll enjoy it while I can.

- Curtis starts to show his likes and dislikes more often now...likes definately include the musical donkey which he loves to shake, the skwish toy Mark and Moira bought him and the giggle apple from Nanna and Taid....he chews and then sucks on the worms eyes and leaves them so soggy I have to wash them every night!

We bought Curtis a little paddling pool for the back garden, but as I was too excited to use it, and couldnt be bothered going out through the back door, one afternoon I set it up for him in the hall. Apologies for the poor photography, I only had one hand free as the other was holding little man.

One very sunny day I had to cover the front of the pram entirely with my jacket to shield little man from the sun, but when I checked on him 2 mins later I was shocked to see he had managed to pull up the side of the pram to get some sunlight anyway...the cheeky chap! In general he seems less and less happy in the pram probably as he wants to be sitting up looking at things, but we've tried him in the pushchair mode but he just doesn't sit up well enough for that yet.

- Weaning has been progressing well with parsnip, carrot, swede, brocolli, leeks, celery, sweet potatoe, cauliflower, banana, pear and avocado having been given the little guys seal of approval. He also now has a safe feeding mesh so we can give him bits of banana to eat by himself which he does by sucking on it through the mesh.

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